SAP Database Performance Improvement Through GPU | SAP ERP Services in Singapore, Malaysia



When running any business, the company must rely on various data to remain competitive and even increase its sales and profits. The data is collected regarding customers, the markets, the financial activities in the company, the operational activities, and even for future objectives. There are a lot of data to be stored which can be cumbersome. Research shows that 2.5 quintillion data bytes are collected in a single day, and around 90 percent of the total data dates back to the last two years.

Is data storage in companies reducible?

Well, the answer is no; as time proceeds, so will the need to collect and store more data increase. Therefore, it is up to the company to find ways to manage the amount of data they have. All details on how to change data management in firms are available in this article but first….

Why do companies need to change the management of the company’s data?

Ø To curb competition

Companies need to have all the necessary data of the market at the quickest time possible to master the tactics of the competing companies.

Ø Save time

The longer you collect and organize the data company data, the more money you spend and the time you waste. So, if the firm can collect the data and analyze it at the least period, well, that is a win.

The most used data management platforms

SAP HANA is the ultimate best choice of a data management platform for people prone to collect a high level of data for running their business. This platform has a high-speed interval in managing high data volume, processing it fast, and even high storage capacity. Hence, you can always access your data quickly when need be. But there are drawbacks to working with this platform which most companies may find a distraction to their works.

Cons of using SAP S/4 HANA data management platform

· The platform requires constant expansion to accommodate the data volume

· It involves maintenance which can be expensive for the company

· Require occasional updating

· It keeps on restarting even when not set

Data management evolution process

Data management involves three processes which are; data collection, processing, and data analyzing. All these steps or processes require being handled by a platform that expedites them for efficient information and saves time.

So, what do you need to upgrade data management?

ü Incorporate advanced and flexible data platform

You need a data collection platform that can carry a large amount of data with high processing speed and can analyze your data hassle-free. So, there has to be large memory to accommodate all your data collected and should support advanced technology that you may need to utilize when processing and during the analyzing period.

ü New hardware

Technology is currently upgrading regularly. So, if you are still using the advanced hardware with your SAP S/4 HANA platform, then the chances of delays or failures are pretty high. So, invest in advanced hardware that can manage data at high speed, with consistency, and can hold significant content of data.

Here is an overview on each persistent memory technology and how HANA as a database enables the use of Persistent Memory


What is DRA?

This stands for Dynamic random-access memory, which is mainly recommended due to high-speed in-memory processing. It also works in real-time to process and analyzes all data, including the complex categories.

Although DRA is reliable in data management, it also has a few limitations such as;

· It is an expensive platform

· It has memory limitations when working on large data loads

· It is time-consuming when loading data

Pic Credit : SAP

2. Intel Optane DC

If SAP S/4 HANA or DRAM platforms have a constant memory shortage, Intel Optane Dc will solve the issue. It features low volatile data persistence processing to ensure continuity.

Pic Credit : SAP


What is TCO?

This refers to the total cost of ownership for data or a business. If you want to lower the total cost of ownership, you can work with intel Optane DC to reduce the performance cost in the organization.

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