DevOps for SAP: A Detailed Overview | SAP ERP Services in Singapore, Malaysia



value and increase effectiveness. This calls for the need for agile enterprise software solutions that can help businesses to support these goals by adapting and responding safely to rapid and frequent change. So, if you wish to deliver value to your customers while being a part of a revved-up organization that prospers in a fast-paced digital economy then embracing DevOps for SAP makes sense.





DevOps for SAP – Innovation- SYNNOVE Systems



Let’s explore the pragmatism of implementing DevOps for SAP system and the impact it has on different stages of change delivery:


SAP Development LifecycleThough, DevOps for SAP doesn’t provide the necessary means to provide support to it due to its generic tools and architecture. To ensure continuous delivery change, specialized tooling is required. While DevOps in SAP translates to different things for different companies but all the processes including the development process, pre-production, QA, and production are affected.


Quality DevelopmentDelivery of quality development requires a robust process that includes regular feedback, clearly defined business requirements with quality rooted from the very beginning of the process. In other words, the entire development should be quality checked to minimize costs and errors. The quality check includes enforcement of code quality, automated unit testing, security checks, and reviews. 


Efficient TestingDeployment of changes for testing can be done after continuous integration without any risk. A good rhythm of delivery requirements requires choosing what is required to be deployed basis business priorities rather than long release cycles. Many SAP delivery issues are removed when checking for risks, sequencing, completeness, and impact. The delivery of functionality can be accelerated by this agile approach and changes can be deployed with confidence instead of waiting for full delivery release. 


Take Care of Your Current SystemWhen the features are deployed, it’s important to ensure that the current system doesn’t break down. Constant testing confirms that changes are regularly tested through regression testing that is robust, recurrent, and has the essential functional coverage. So, when changes are deployed, unnecessary side effects get decreased, which in turn offers risk mitigation. 


Reduce Impact on ProductionThe live system operation can be disrupted during an SAP deployment. Through continuous deployment and rigorous controls, the risk of system outages can be reduced significantly. However, even if disaster strikes, the impact of downtime due to change is minimized while ensuring business continuity. 


Impact on EmployeesJust the way tooling and processes are being impacted by DevOps, the role of employees and staff is also being impacted. Due to the presence of multi-skilled and cross-functional teams, the company culture becomes more dynamic.


      The Outcome


The integration of SAP and DevOps promotes innovation with processes becoming


·         faster,

·         resilient, and

·         better.


Apart from this, the integration helps in making the systems more user-friendly as per business needs. Consequently, new features can be added by developers in the application thereby delivering more value to customers. Such integration helps in automating functionalities that minimize risks and probabilities of committing errors. 




Synnove Systems provides quality SAP Consulting Services in the region with our regional offices in Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia. Our award winning team bring innovation and differentiated capabilities that help Clients create value and deliver business outcomes. Synnove Systems is set to become a market leader in Enterprise Business Solutions. Synnove Systems – One of the competent ERP Company in Singapore‎, best accounting software Singapore, ERP systems Singapore, best ERP software in Singapore


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